
School Aged Services

A comprehensive school age service to young people in the local community, schools and youth centres.

The school nursing team aims to help children & young people aged 5-16 years achieve optimal health. To help enable this, the service provides confidential advice and guidance on a range of issues including nutrition, exercise, smoking, emotional wellbeing, drug abuse and sexual health.


Lewisham primary and secondary schools and The Next Generation (TNG) Youth Centre.

Key contact

Parents and healthcare professionals such as GPs can contact:
Monday to Friday 09:00 to 17:00
Jackie Jackson, School Nurse Team Manager
T: 0203 049 1701

Who is the service for?

Service is offered to all students (aged 5-16 years) and their families, attending local authority maintained schools and government direct funded academies within the London Borough of Lewisham, including:

•    71 mainstream primary schools
•    14 secondary schools
•    2 moderate learning disability schools
•    1 pupil referral unit
•    2 specialist units

The service is also offered to children and young people who are either permanently excluded or educated at home.

What conditions does the department treat?

The service provides advice and support on common conditions like, allergies, epilepsy, asthma & sickle cell disease.

What services are provided?

The department delivers a universal early intervention service for all children aged 5-16 years in the school and community setting:

•    Safeguarding: assessing and promoting the health needs of vulnerable children
•    Early intervention Tier One:  includes giving support and advice on issues that can impact on emotional health and well-being for example bullying & peer pressure
•    Sexual health advice
•    Enuresis clinic aged 7-16 years
•    Health promotion (PHSE) in primary & secondary school
•    Health needs assessments profiling of the local schools and assessing health needs
•    Immunisations include – HPV, Meningitis ACWY vaccination & teenage booster, flu vaccination for primary school years one and two
•    Training and support for other professionals and clients
•   Health screening in school and community setting with clients  to asses individual support and advice needed to help achieve optimal health.
