
Pregnancy and Gynaecological Care

Please note that if you are pregnant with any antenatal concerns such as reduced baby movement, bleeding or abdominal cramps and your preferred service is not available, please attend your local A+E at your local hospital promptly as obstetric care is accessible via A+E.

Want to know if you’re really pregnant?

Got any of the signs and symptoms of pregnancy? Read an NHS guide on finding out if you’re pregnant.

Find out about pregnancy tests, or your next steps if you’ve had a positive pregnancy test.

Also, find out more about getting help if you’re not getting pregnant.


Keeping well in pregnancy

Antenatal care and the baby’s development

Vaccinations in pregnancy

Why it’s recommended that women have the flu vaccine in pregnancyand whooping cough vaccine in pregnancy.

Grove Medical Centre will be closed for training on Thursday 13/02/25, 12.30pm – 6.30pm.

Please contact 07483-155-397 (SELDOC) if you need urgent GP care during this time.

Please call 999/attend your closest Emergency Department if you are experiencing a medical emergency.